Spängler IQAM Invest — www.spaenglerRes-iqam.at

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Site Owner

IQAM Research Center — is the joint project of TU Institute of Management Science, WU Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics and IQAM Invest GmbH according to §27 of University Act 2002 (Universitätsgesetz 2002).
The main purpose of project is the creation and dissemination of knowledge about portfolio management and the bridging in the named field.

TU (Vienna University of Technology)

Institute of Management Science
Theresianumgasse 27
1040 Vienna
P +43 1 58801 33006
F +43 1 58801 33096

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Building D4, 4th floor
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna
P +43 1 31 336 5006
F +43 1 31 336 90 5006

IQAM Invest GmbH

Franz-Josef-Straße 22
5020 Salzburg
Head office: Salzburg
Court of commercial register: Civil Court of Salzburg
Commercial register number: 54453 d
UID-Number: ATU 38580200
Competent supervisory board: Finanzmarktaufsicht, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna
Industrial authority: Salzburg Municipality
Member of the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce
P +43 5 05 86 86-0
F +43 5 05 86 86-869


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